5 Surefire Ways To Boost Your Email Open Rates

Discover How Honesty and Finding Your Voice Will Boost Your Email Open Rates
You may have heard marketers say, “Email marketing is dead”… or email deliverability rates are low these days. The list of complaints are many and by all appearances, it seems like email marketing is getting tougher now because more and more subscribers are wary and jaded.
Marketing emails are viewed skeptically and subscribers are much more discerning now. Yet, there are a handful of marketers who excel at email marketing. They have high open rates, high click through rates and their emails get them a ton of sales and commissions.
So, how do they do it?
The answer is simple. They have a good relationship with their list and they have a good sized list. The best way to build your list fast will be to retain your current subscribers as you add more to the list. If each email you send gets many unsubscribes, it will be an uphill task.
Ultimately, you need to be an honest and transparent marketer who is unique enough to stand above the noise. This is crucial to building trust and getting you noticed by your subscriber. Once you can achieve these 2 goals, getting people to open your emails and buy your products or the products you recommend will be a breeze.
Use the 5 pointers below to boost your open rates by winning your list over with your personality
Promote only what you believe in
This is a HUGE factor when it comes to building trust with your list. You should always promote or sell products that are of high-quality and will get the buyer their money’s worth.
Too many marketers these days tend to promote every product under the sun just so that they can get commissions. In the short run, this may work… but over time, their list will stop trusting them and the sales will dry up faster than a wet towel in the Sahara desert.
Do your research on the product, the product creator, the price, the pros and cons, etc. This will allow you to give an honest review of the product and if it’s something that you wouldn’t buy… do NOT recommend it.
Show them you’ve purchased the product
One of the best ways to inspire your list to buy the product you’re recommending. Even if you received a review copy or a complimentary gift in return for a promotion, go ahead and buy the product if you like it.
Take a screenshot of your purchase and display it in your email to show that you actually forked out money for it. This will show that you too have skin in the game and you’re truly recommending something that you believe in.
Test out the product if you can
Test the product out and see if it works. It doesn’t matter if it’s perfume or some ‘make money online’ (MMO) eBook that promises profits. Make sure that you test the product out and see the results for yourself. Do you like it? Does it deliver on its promises? Is it worth the money?
If the answer is yes to all of the above questions, then you can promote it knowing full well that it’s good. Do not blindly pass off the claims on the sales copy as gospel when doing a review.
Don’t contradict yourself
This is very common among online marketers who promote products in the MMO niche. One day they may be praising a particular YouTube video ranking software and saying that it’s the ‘last one you’ll ever need.’ A week later, when a new but similar video ranking software is released, they’ll promote this like it’s the best thing you’ll ever need.
Your subscribers can see through these shenanigans. Do not contradict yourself in your emails. If you’re promoting software that is really good, then you should get a copy of it yourself and try it out. You can then share your knowledge and tips with the list and show them the results you got from using the software.
You’re supposed to promote and also help your subscribers learn to use what they buy. You can create tutorial videos, blog posts. etc. to guide them. You are limited by your own imagination as far as delivering value goes. That’s what a wise marketer would do instead of pushing every piece of junk that hits the market.
Finding your voice
As a marketer, you’ll need to stand out from the rest. There are many ways to do this. You could use photos of yourself in your emails or have an attractive personality that comes across in your emails. A sense of humor or brutal honesty or links to videos that you’ve made will help your readers get to know you better.
The key to being unique is to let your personality shine. Do not try to fake it till you make it or act like an authority who is pulling in six figures a month, if you’re not even close. The age old dating advice of just being yourself applies here too.
If you can practice these 5 tips and make them second nature to your email marketing, your open rates will skyrocket and your subscribers will look forward to your emails.
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