How Would You Like To Make Money Simply By Telling Others About Articles, News, Blog Posts And Other Pieces Of Information You've Read?

If You Can Blog, Then You Can Make Money With "Content Curation"!


Dear Friend,


Imagine going to a world-famous baseball museum only to spend the first 45 minutes walking past display after display showcasing memorabilia from unknown players you've never heard of until you finally arrive at a jersey worn by Babe Ruth... You spend the next six hours looking over 227 pieces from baseball's storied past, but only 19 of them had any true historical significance.


How would you categorize your trip? I bet I can sum it up in three words...


Waste of time!


Or, what if you went to a major seminar on a subject of great personal interest to you, but instead of finding world renowned speakers delivering dynamic presentations, you are forced to listen to a lineup of speakers who aresub-par and really have no idea what they're talking about. From the two days, 12 speakers and 20 hours invested, you get 30 minutes of quality content from one person of high reputation.


Again, I think we could categorize the trip like this...


Waste of time!


Suppose your favorite actor or actress is the star of some hit Hollywood blockbuster and you never miss any of his or her roles. You are the best fan on the planet and the reviews are raving about how awesome your favorite's performance is. You watch the epic 2 hour and 27 minute movie only to learn that your favorite actor or actress has just a 10 second "cameo" that you actually missed while you were going to buy popcorn.


Can somebody say it out loud...


Waste of time!


No one wants to sift through, listen through, or watch through a bunch of stuff that's of no interest or value to them only to find a teeny-tiny treasure. They'd much rather someone just strip away everything else and showcase only the good stuff. Right?


The Internet can be a museum with countless displays of information with only a select few showcasing anything of significance. It can be a seminar with a line-up of information with only a small portion which is of high reputation. The web can be an epic movie of information with only cameos here and there truly worth watching.


People spend way too much time sifting through articles, reports, blog posts, tweets, eBooks, forum discussions, website content, online journals and countless other mediums trying to find the teeny-tiny treasure of information they really want.


If you asked them right now how they feel about it, care to guess what their answer would be? Most would be quick to say it's a...


Waste of time!


Once time is gone, it can't be regained. We only have so much of it, and no one wants to squander it away on searching. They'd much rather have someone strip away everything else and deliver the good stuff they want.


And you can make money from doing just that!


You have a unique opportunity to make money with "content curation". What is "content curation"?


I'm glad you asked...


DEFINITION: Content curation is the discovery, assembly and display of digital content related to a specific subject.


Just as an art curator finds the very best pieces of artwork to add to the museum, a content curator searches the web to find the best news stories, opinion pieces, videos, articles and other pieces of information for their niche. By adding their own comments to the listing of these content pieces, the curator adds even more value to the curation site.


Need a good example of content curation?


Check out This site aggregates news stories from multiple sources. Look at the site, and you’ll notice that the news comes from all over the world. 


Only some of it is unique content written by Huffington Post reporters, writers, volunteers or other staff. And yet this is a wildly popular site, because it gives visitors the best news all in one place (meaning visitors don’t have to wade through dozens of sites themselves every day to get this news).


So now that you know what content curation is, you’re probably wondering:


         1. Where do you get this content?


                   2.  How do you make the content more valuable to readers?

          3. How do you make money from this strategy?


The answers to these three questions are found in this informative report...



Content Profit: How To Make Money With Content Curation

(25 Page Report in .PDF Format - Instant Download)
Only $17.00 $9.97

In one sense the Content Profit report is a lesson in curation. There is no fluff and filler included in it, no lackluster content that shouldn't be included. I've included only ‘museum-worthy’ information!

In this 25-page meaty report you'll discover...

  • Answers to the big-three questions: where do you find content, how do you make the content more valuable, and how do you make money from curation.
  • How to find content for your curated site, including the 7 best ways to locate buzz-worthy articles, news stories, opinion pieces and more to include in your listings.
  • Simple ideas for choosing the best content and then displaying it in your site, along with examples to make sure you understand the difference between an "average" listing and an "above-average" listing. Hint: Your readers won't keep coming back if they have to sift through your "average" listings!
  • 5 ways to "add value" to your curated content to give your site uniqueness and "drawing power" so readers find themselves returning often to browse your insightful listings. Hint: This is THE key to you making money from the site, so you want it done right.
  • 5 proven-profitable methods for generating cash from your curation site ... yes, you can actually make money through the "discovery, assembly and display" of other people's content. The report is entitled "Content Cash" for a reason! :)

Now, let me say this: Content Profit is a special report, it's not a full-blown home study course. You will need to know how to setup your own WordPress blog to showcase the curated content and drive traffic to your site. None of that is included. It's not an internet marketing encyclopedia. However,it will tell you everything you need to know to get started with content curation IF you already know how to setup a WordPress blog.


A lot of people know how to blog, but this takes blogging to a different level. It requires no original content of your own, showcases world-class content from other people, and delivers real value to hurried readers who don't want to sort through dozens of info pieces from dozens of sites to find what they want.


They'd rather come to one site and
 get access to the "best of the best".


Content Profit will get you started in building your own curated site. At only 25 pages in length, you'll be able to read through it quickly.


While I could easily sell it for $17, I'm only charging $9.97 for immediate access. I'm sure you would agree that it's a steal at this price.


If you're interested in learning how to simply link to and comment on other people's content, and make money doing it, then you should order your copy of Content Profit right now...


Order Now

Yes, I want this special report that shows me how to generate an income with Curated Content! I have read and agree to the legal disclaimers below.

 (Even if it's 2:00 AM on a Saturday)

* Every effort has been made to accurately represent this product and its potential. Please remember that each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation. As with any business endeavor, there is no certain guarantee that you will earn any money.



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